1. TFSA: The maximum contribution for 2019 is $6,000 per person. If you are unsure if you have contributed the maximum in previous years, please call CRA directly to confirm (1-800-959-8281).
  2. RRSP: The 2018 contribution deadline is March 1, 2019. Please confirm the amount you are able to contribute by checking your most recent Notice of Assessment, calling CRA directly to confirm (1-800-959-8281) or giving us a shout.
  3. RESP: A 2019 contribution of $2,500 per beneficiary will maximize the grant, assuming all previous years have been maximized. Your investment advisor can determine if additional contributions are required to “catch up” for previous years.

Interested in learning more? Please don’t hesitate to contact the office at: 905-829-3701